Terms & Conditions

Welcome to Gaadi Auction. In these Terms & Conditions, the terms "Gaadi Auction", "Website", "We", "Us" and "Our" refer to Gaadi Auction and the terms "You", "Yours" refer to You as a user of Gaadi Auction.

1 : General Provisions

i. By using this Website, You accept the Following Terms & Conditions. This is a legally binding agreement between You and Gaadi Auction; please read it Carefully. When using this Website, You may be subject to other posted terms and guidelines applicable to certain services available on this Website. All terms and guidelines on this Website, including our Privacy Policy, are part of these Terms & Conditions. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, any features or services available at any time on this Website are subject to these Terms & Conditions. Accessing this Website in any manner, even though automated means, constitutes your use of the Website and your agreement to be bound by these Terms & Conditions. Gaadi Auction may change the Terms & Conditions from time to time. Your continued use of this Website after the posted effective date constitutes your agreement to be bound by these Terms & conditions as modified, except that modifications do not apply to any dispute arising prior to their effective date.

ii. The present Terms and Conditions apply exclusively to the relationship between Gaadi Auction and the participants using the Public Area of the databases operated by Gaadi Auction. Any participants' own terms will be superseded by these terms.

iii. The material that appears on this Website is for general information purposes only. Our site includes materials and information collected from and provided by third parties that We may not have evaluated or reviewed. We make no guarantees regarding the accuracy, completeness, timeliness, or reliability of any of the materials or information on this Website, and You should not rely on it without independent verification.

2 : Scope of Services

i. Gaadi Auction will provide participants means to advertise their vehicle on the site (sellers) and will display said vehicle for an agreed amount of time to internet visitors (buyers). Gaadi Auction will also publish content relating to new and used vehicle.

ii. Gaadi Auction reserves the right to temporarily limit access to the Website if such is needed for technical reasons such as upgrading, server integrity etc. This may make it difficult or impossible to access advertisements during that period.

3 : Buying and Selling Vehicles

i. Gaadi Auction is a vehicle listing and information service that brings together buyers and sellers via the Internet.Gaadi Auction is not a party to any transaction between vehicle buyers and sellers that originates on or through this Website. At no time shall Gaadi Auction have any obligations or liabilities in respect of such transaction. Information about a particular vehicle is supplied by the seller, not by Gaadi Auction. Gaadi Auction in no way represents that this information is accurate. The price and other terms of any sale remain subject to direct negotiation between the buyer and the seller.

ii. Though We hope that all who come to Gaadi Auction will act honorably and treat each other fairly, We cannot verify the information that sellers supply or guarantee the vehicles they offer. Nor can We assure the seller of a vehicle that the payment he or she receives from the buyer is legitimate. When using this website to find a buyer for your vehicle or a vehicle to purchase, We urge You to use the same common sense and good judgment You would use in selling a vehicle through, or responding to, a classified ad in the newspaper.

4: Buying vehicle

i. Before purchasing a vehicle or any other goods or services You have read about on Gaadi Auction, You should confirm with the seller any information, including the price, location, documentation that is important to your purchasing decision. Gaadi Auction is not responsible for, and does not guarantee the performance of, any such vehicles, goods or services listed or restricted on Gaadi Auction.

ii. Used Vehicles listed on Gaadi Auction for sale may be purchased by individuals for own use only. These Vehicles may not be purchased by dealers, brokers, or any other business entity and such a purchase would constitute a violation of the terms and conditions of Gaadi Auction. Dealers and brokers may contact Gaadi Auction for paid packages for purchasing vehicles.

iii. It is not permitted to submit a lead or to enquire against a used Vehicle listing on Gaadi Auction for any other purpose than contacting the seller with the intent of purchasing the vehicle for own use by individuals. Amongst others, it is not permitted to submit a lead or to enquire against a used Vehicle listing on Gaadi Auction by any type of user, including but not limited to individuals, dealers, brokers, or other business entities, for purposes of data gathering, data mining, brokering, match-making with other buyers, or purchase for resale.

5 : Listing Your Vehicle

i. Gaadi Auction offers a numbers of options for private sellers to sell their Vehicle. On the "Sell Your Vehicle" tab on our home page select the city and on the next page, kindly fill in the blank form and get started. For information about ad packages available to dealers, please visit Gaadi Auction.

ii. In order for You to offer a vehicle for sale through our Sell Your Vehicle service for private sellers; You must have possession of the actual vehicle listed and the ability to transfer title. To list a vehicle for sale on Gaadi Auction, sellers also are required to provide certain identifying and contact information. The information must accurately identify the seller and the method of contact must permit buyers to communicate directly with the seller. You may not charge any potential buyer for information about any vehicle listed for sale on Gaadi Auction, nor may You use our Website to promote, without our prior written permission, any other Website, product, or service.

iii. By using our Website to sell your vehicle as a private seller, You represent that You are at least 18 years of age, that You are not a motor vehicle dealer, that You are not listing a vehicle for sale in your capacity as an owner, employee or representative of a dealer, and that neither You nor anyone acting on your behalf will list more two vehicles for sale simultaneously.

iv. Responsibility for the information contained in each listing lies with each seller. You alone are responsible for the material You post, including listing information and photos of your vehicle, and for the content of all email messages You transmit through Gaadi Auction. Nothing will undermine a user's confidence in the vehicle You are looking to sell faster than inaccurate statements or misleading representations about the vehicle. And since any erosion of user confidence in You is likely to be accompanied by erosion of user confidence in us, We Vehicle deeply about making sure that the information You supply is accurate and that, in all respects, You treat other Gaadi Auction users fairly and honorably.

v. In connection with our efforts to combat Internet fraud, some listings may be screened before being posted publicly. This process may delay the publication of your listing. Though We cannot monitor every transaction that originates through a listing on Gaadi Auction, We may, from time to time, perform random quality assurance tests to confirm that those who offer vehicles for sale over vehicles are advertised. By using our Website, You agree to cooperate in these quality assurance tests. If our tests reveal, or We, otherwise learn, that a seller may be violating the terms of this Visitor Agreement, We reserve the right to deny that seller use of services offered on our Website and any affiliated Websites and remove that seller's listings from each site.

vi. By listing a vehicle for sale on this Website, You agree to use the email addresses of those responding to your listing only to communicate with them about the potential sale of that vehicle.

6 : Content Requirements & Responsibility of Advertisements

i. Users are allowed to advertise only for the sale of Passengers vehicles. Any other advertisements are not allowed and will be removed.

ii. Users are obliged to submit correct and full information about their vehicle. Gaadi Auction is not responsible for any damage arising from placement of false information.

ii. Users are obliged to submit correct and full information about their vehicle. Gaadi Auction is not responsible for any damage arising from placement of false information.

iii. Users can include photos with their advertisements. These photos have to be representative of the vehicle at sale and infringe on the intellectual property rights of third parties. Gaadi Auction does not have any influence on these photos and will in no way be accountable for their contents.

iv. The wordings of the advertisements should be in accordance with all laws and regulations of India.

v. The user shall take full responsibility for the contents of the advertisements. Gaadi Auction in no way endorses these advertisements in terms of their correctness or completeness.

vi. Gaadi Auction denies all warranty and liability for the compliance of advertisements with statutory provisions and their accuracy.

vii. Gaadi Auction expressly denies warranty and liability in case a transaction resulting from the advertisement does not take place, due to whatever reason.

7: Features And Content:

“Contents" or "Content" shall mean any and all information, data, text, software, music, sound, photographs, graphics, video, messages, materials, news, notices, articles, contracts, forms, documents or other materials and information which may be viewed or downloaded on or through this Website. Contents shall also include any e-mail, messages, e-Vehicles or any other information furnished by a user to be displayed on the Website by Gaadi Auction.

"Feature" or "Features": A "Feature" may include any interactive, value addition service or other additional feature including without limitation comparison, 360 degree view etc. which are introduced or available on the Website.

Gaadi Auction may allow the User of Website to upload or post certain content, data or information, message, files, photographs, pictures, articles, feedback or any other material of combination thereof (collectively referred to "User Content") accessible to others or transmit communications to others. Some of these tools may be operated by third parties, and Your use of them is subject to both the terms of this Agreement and to the policies of their third-party providers. This Feature is available to You as a matter of convenience only and to express Your views on products / services available through or at Website.

Being the originator of the User Content, You are solely responsible for the User Content that You upload, post, publish, transmit or otherwise make available on the Website. You represent that you have obtained all relevant consents and approvals in order to post any User Content. You further represent that all such User Content will be in accordance with applicable law. You acknowledge and agree that of the User Content posted or transmitted through our Website represents the views of the author, and not of Gaadi Auction. You also acknowledge that your use of or reliance on such content is at your own risk.

You acknowledge that Gaadi Auction does not endorse any User Content on the Website and is not responsible or liable for any User Content. In case the User Content is in violates/infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or any other proprietary or privacy rights of any third party or in contravention of any applicable law, then Gaadi Auction at its sole discretion may remove or disable the access to the User Content or any part thereof, without any notice to User.

Assignment of User Content: You hereby grant Gaadi Auction a perpetual, non-revocable, worldwide, royalty-free and sub-licensable right and license to use, copy, distribute, display, publish, transmit, make available, reproduce, modify, adapt the User Content and create derivate works of the User Content. You represent and warrant that You own or otherwise control all of the rights to the User Content that You post or that You otherwise provide on or through the Website; and that, as at the date that the User Content is posted or submitted on the Website: (i) the User Content is accurate; (ii) use of the User Content You supply does not breach these Terms of Use; and (iii) that such User Content is lawful.

8: Your Account And Login Options:

User may access to the Website or other information and material as available on the Website, as a guest user, without any requirement of registration. User can do research and compare the products available on the Website as per their convenience. Certain features and information available on Website for all users (called ‘guest user’) who do not need to register or create any account on Website. However services to Guest User are limited in the sense that not all the features or functionality are available until the User is registered/create account on Website or provide certain personally identifiable information.

To avail the certain features, not available for Guest User, You need to register / create an account by providing certain details e.g. Your name, contact details, email id etc. ("Your Information"). Once You register with Website and provide Your Information and complete the process of registration, Gaadi Auction set up an account by providing login id and password ("Your Account") which is unique to You. Subject to Your compliance with account creation guidelines and any other applicable law, rule, Gaadi Auction recognize You as a registered user (Registered User) and You can login into Your Account and avail the Services and access to other features and information not available to guest users.

If You use or access Our Website or avail any Services through or at Website as a Registered User, You acknowledge and agree that You shall be solely responsible for maintaining the confidentiality and shall not disclose the details of Your Account to any other person and that any activity occurred under Your Account shall be Your responsibility.

You agree that when You provided Your Information while registering/creating Your Account with Us, You shall not provide any information which untrue, false, inaccurate or not current and shall not use the details of any other person, or another user’s account. Gaadi Auction may suspend/delete Your Account or can limit/deny the access to the Website or Services, any time, if Your Information is found to be untrue, false, inaccurate, not current or pertains to another user’s account.

You agree that collection, storage, sharing or disclosure of Your Information that You provide to Us either as a guest user or Registered User or otherwise shall be governed by the Privacy Policy of Gaadi Auction, incorporated herein by way of reference.

9: Audit:

Gaadi Auction at all times reserves its right, but not an obligation, to audit the Content, User Content, Features available on Website or any other material or information posted/uploaded by the User. If at any time, in sole discretion of Gaadi Auction, Gaadi Auction determines that any Content/User Content or any other material or Feature of the Website is in contravention of any law for the time being in force or spirit of the terms and conditions of this Agreement or violates the privacy of any person, then Gaadi Auction may either remove or edit or block such material without any notice.

Though Gaadi Auction does not pre-screen the User Content, yet that Gaadi Auction and its designees shall have the right (but not the obligation) in their sole discretion to accept, refuse, move, or remove any Contents that are available via the Website.

Notwithstanding the above-said right, You acknowledge and understand that all User Content, whether publicly posted or privately transmitted, are the sole responsibility of the person from which such User Content originated. This means that You, and not Gaadi Auction, are entirely responsible for all User Content that you have provided Gaadi Auction with, in order to upload, post, transmit or otherwise make available via the Website. You further acknowledges and agree that these User Content does not necessarily reflect the views of the Gaadi Auction nor Gaadi Auction endorse any such User Content.

Further to this it is informed that Gaadi Auction may share the information pertaining to such instance (with or without demand) with Government agency for the purpose of verification of identity of User, or for prevention, detection, investigation, prosecution and punishment. Therefore it is advised to You that You should not involve in any such activities or use which violate any applicable law, rules, regulation or breach the terms and conditions of this Agreement.

10: Buyers:

Any User, who buy products after visiting Our Website (“Buyer”), does so solely at his own discretion, risk and responsibility. Gaadi Auction does not make any recommendations nor gives any warranty (implied or express), guarantee or otherwise with respect to the quality, functionality, fitness for a particular purpose.

You acknowledge and agree that details available on the Website is available only for information purpose. You further acknowledge and agree that any information including actual price of any product may vary from the price listed on our Website and therefore You shall alone, and not Gaadi Auction, be responsible to for any such changed pricing, any additional cost, if incurred by the Buyer or any other information.

Gaadi Auction may from time to time, launch certain offers/coupons/deals (“Scheme”) for promotion of Website and User engagement. As a Buyer, you acknowledge and agree that you shall strictly abide by the terms and conditions of the Scheme, as applicable, which shall be in addition to this Agreement.

It is clarified that any Scheme provided by the Gaadi Auction, unless otherwise provided, shall not be clubbed or combined with any other scheme available on Website. Further to this, Gaadi Auction, depending upon the different circumstance, may suspend/cancel/vary the Scheme without any notice.

When Buyer buys any product after visiting the Website, Buyer shall alone be responsible to complete the documentation part as per applicable laws and Gaadi Auction shall not be responsible for any consequences (including without limitation delay in delivery of product, cancellation of transaction, incomplete or improper documentation) whatsoever.

If Buyer requires certain additional services in relation to a product such as warranty, installation, after-sales services, Buyer shall contact the seller/dealer, who has sold the product to the Buyer. Gaadi Auction is not and shall not be obliged to provide any such additional services. Gaadi Auction only provide a platform to facilitate the engagement of Buyer and Seller, and thus in no way provides or responsible for extending such additional services.

Gaadi Auction strongly advises you not to test the Website with false purchases request, as it may put you at substantial personal legal risk. It is a crime to use a false name, other false personal information to buy. Wilfully entering erroneous or fictitious purchase request may result in prosecution by Gaadi Auction and/or Seller. Please be aware that even if you do not give Gaadi Auction, your real name, Your web browser transmits a unique address to Us, which can be used by law enforcement officials to identify You.

Only individuals are permitted to purchase any used Vehicles listed for sale on Website, provided that use of such used Vehicles thereafter is restricted to their own use only. Dealers, brokers, any other business entities or any other person (except for individuals expressly permitted as above) must not purchase any such Used Vehicles and any such unauthorized purchase shall constitute a breach of this Agreement.

11: Seller:

You may list or provide the details of Vehicles (used/new) for selling to the prospective buyers as a Registered User of the Website.

You must be legally able to sell the Vehicle(s) you list for sale on Our Website. Listings may only include text descriptions, graphics and pictures that describe your Vehicle for sale. All listed Vehicles must be listed in an appropriate category on the Website. Soliciting business offline or outside of the Website, by indicating your contact details (e.g. contact phone number, address or e-mail ID) in the Vehicle listing or elsewhere on the Website is expressly prohibited and would be considered as a breach of this Agreement. All listed Vehicles must be kept in stock for successful fulfilment of sales.

The listing description of the Vehicle must not be misleading and must describe actual condition of the product. If the Vehicle description does not match the actual condition of the Vehicle, You agree to refund any amounts that You may have received from the Buyer.

You shall not abuse or misuse the Website or engage in any activity which violates the terms of this Agreement. In any such case, Gaadi Auction may suspend Your Account or permanently debar You from accessing the Website.

As a Seller you certify that all information provided by you against your listed Vehicle is true.

Dealers must should refrain from bribing/corrupting with any of the Gaadi Auction’s employees or customers for undue benefit. Any such action will lead to suspension of Account and termination of Services.

Seller is alone responsible for completing and verification of the documentation part, before concluding the sale. Any sale concluded on the part of the Seller, shall be the sole responsibility of the Seller.

Gaadi Auction reserves its right to screen the listing of Vehicles before publishing the same on the Website. This screening process is initiated from time to time to ensure the authenticity of the details posted by Seller. This screening may take some time and therefore listing of Seller Vehicle may be delayed. If at any time, in sole discretion of the Gaadi Auction, Gaadi Auction determines that the particulars of the Vehicle is misleading or not accurate, then Gaadi Auction may remove such listing from the Website and can further take appropriate actions against the Seller.

12: Auction:

If You buy or sell any Vehicle by participating in Auction (offline or online), You acknowledges and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of Auction sale, as may be applicable. These Auction sale terms and conditions shall be in addition to the terms and conditions of this Agreement. To participate in Auction, Gaadi Auction may ask you to provide or execute some additional documents or may ask to deposit the security deposit.

13: Links to third party websites and third party content:

Our Website may contain, hyperlinks to websites operated by parties other than Vehicle or, third party information such as product, product description, catalogue, dealer’s details, news, videos and photographs and any other data made available by the third party (“Third Party Content”). The provisions of Third Party Content is for general information purpose only.

Gaadi Auction makes reasonable efforts to ensure that the details provided on our Website is accurate, however, Gaadi Auction does not control such Third Party Content and therefore shall not be responsible for any loss or damages resulting out of the use of Third Party Content.

The inclusion of Third Party Content to Our Websites does not imply Gaadi auction certification or endorsement of such websites nor any association with their operators.

Gaadi Auction or its affiliates or associates or its employees do not provide any judgment or warranty in respect of the authenticity or correctness of the Third Party Content of such other services or sites to which links are provided. A link to another service or website is not an endorsement of any products or services on such site or the Website. You shall be solely responsible for any or all the consequences that arise out of your use of such Third Party Content or hyperlinks to other websites.

14: Fees & Payments:

Access to Website is free and Users (Registered or Guest) can browse the information/products and avail the Services free of charge. However Gaadi Auction, reserves the right, and may levy certain charge and fees in the future. You agree to pay any such fee as may be applicable to the Services or Product that You avail.

Taxes: You are responsible for paying all fees associated with the use of the Website and You agree to bear any and all applicable taxes, charges, cesses etc. levied thereon.

You shall be responsible for all Your Fee and Payment related obligations and Gaadi Auction reserves the right to suspend the Services/Account or terminate the membership in case You do not fulfil Your payment related obligations in full. We also reserves the right to take legal action in case of non-payment of fees.

You acknowledge and agree that You shall not use the details of credit card/debit Card /net-banking or any other payment instrument which is not lawfully owned by You.

Gaadi Auction, from time to time, may contact with third party payment processing service providers to facilitate payment of orders that You place on our Website which includes banks, financial institution etc. You shall be responsible to abide by all rules/regulations/guidelines as issued and applicable to online payments.

When You make the payment through third party payment gateway, such third party process Your Payment to Gaadi Auction, provided You comply with all applicable rules and regulations. Gaadi Auction shall not be responsible for any failure/decline in making payment due to any reason (including without limitation exceeding limit, wrong details etc.) as Gaadi Auction does not control such third parties.

15: License, Website Access & Modification

License and Website Access: Subject to the compliance with all applicable laws, rules and terms and conditions of this Agreement and/or Additional Terms, Gaadi Auction grants the User a limited, non-exclusive, non-sub-licensable, non-transferable, revocable and limited permission to access and use the Website and avail the Services provided through or at the Website, subject to the following conditions:

• It is not permitted to submit a lead or to enquire against a used Vehicle listing on the Website for any other purpose than contacting the seller with the intent of purchasing the vehicle for own use by individuals. Amongst others, it is not permitted to submit a lead or to enquire against a used Vehicle listing on the Website by any type of user, including but not limited to individuals, dealers, brokers, or other business entities, for purposes of data gathering, data mining, relisting on another site, brokering, match-making with other buyers, or purchase for resale.

• You, your partners, your employees, your agents or any other person associated with you personally or professionally, may not, with or without compensation, prepare any derivative works from, or sell, lease, license, e-mail, reproduce, duplicate, copy, resell, republish, transmit or distribute or otherwise exploit for any commercial purpose via any media, now known or unknown, any Contents from this Website to any other entity or individual.

• No Contents or information on the Website may be reproduced in any form or incorporated into any internet web-site or any other information retrieval system, either electronic or mechanical. It is a condition of Your use of this Website that You do not restrict or inhibit any other user from using this Website.

• You shall not frame or utilize framing techniques to enclose any trademark, logo, or other proprietary information (including images, text, page layout, or form) of Gaadi Auction and/or our affiliates without the express written consent of Gaadi Auction. You may not use any meta tags or any other "hidden text" utilizing Gaadi Auction’s name or trademarks without the express written consent of Gaadi Auction.

• Any software that is available on the Website is the property of Gaadi Auction or its vendors. You may not use, download or install any software available at the Website, unless otherwise expressly permitted by the Agreement or by the express written permission of Gaadi Auction.

• Any unauthorized use terminates the permission and the license granted by Gaadi Auction under this Agreement to you.

Modification: All information available on Website is made available to You on best efforts basis, however, Gaadi Auction does not guarantee nor assume any responsibility for the correctness of such information/data. Gaadi Auction reserves the right to modify, suspend/cancel, or discontinue any or all sections, or service at any time without notice. In case the information (including without limitation pricing, description and any other information etc.) is found to be not up to date or incorrect, Gaadi Auction reserves the right to make modifications and alterations in the information contained on the Website without notice. You agree that Gaadi Auction shall not be liable to you or to any third party for any modification, suspension or discontinuance of the Website.

You expressly agree that any information provided on the Website shall be used by You at Your risk. You are advised to hereby make proper enquiries and use the information provided on the Website.

From time to time Website may supplement its terms of use with Additional Terms pertaining to specific content. Such Additional Terms are hereby incorporated by reference into these Terms of Use.

16: Termination:

You agree that We may, under some circumstances and without prior notice to You, terminate your use of and access to any of the parts of our Website to which We restrict access, for example, by requiring registration. Some of the reasons for such termination may include, but are not limited to, (a) a breach or violation or suspected breach or violation of this Visitor Agreement or other incorporated terms or guidelines, (b) a request by law enforcement or another government agency, (c) our decision to discontinue or change all or part of the Website, (d) technical or security issues, and (e) fraudulent or illegal activities. All terminations will be made in our sole discretion and You agree that We will not be liable for any termination of your use of or access to the Website or any part of the Website.

17: Copyright and Usage Rights:

Any and all data, information, company logos, texts, programs and images of advertisements placed on the Gaadi Auction Website are subject to copyright laws. Any further processing or usage in any kind by third parties is not permitted. This applies to both participants' as Gaadi Auction's own data. The copyright associated with an advertised vehicle, i.e. photos and text, does remain property of the advertiser.

18: Severability Clause:

In case any of the provisions in these Terms and Conditions are deemed ineffective or invalid, they will be replaced with legal effective and valid provisions as close as possible in meaning to these provisions. This will in no way affect the validity of the remaining provisions. The same applies to omissions in these terms and conditions.

19:Report Abuse & Your Feedback

Gaadi Auction advises its Users, not to post or upload anything which is abuse of the Website or violate any terms of this Agreement. Gaadi Auction also prohibits the use of language that is racist, hateful, sexual or obscene in nature in a public area. If You come across any such instance of abuse of violation or any content which is objectionable content or further if You believe that any material/information/post/feedback is infringement of any intellectual property right of You or any other person, You shall inform the same to Gaadi Auction and Gaadi Auction is committed to take appropriate action including validation of Your information and remove/modify the content (if necessary), which is in breach of the Terms of Use or any other applicable law.

Email Abuse and Threat Policy: Private communication including email correspondence is not regulated by the Gaadi Auction. Gaadi Auction advises its Users not to use/send any such email. Any such reported instance will be investigated and Gaadi Auction will take appropriate measures (including legal steps, if required) to stop such practices.

Your Feedback: When You share any feedback or post any comment (including User Content) on Website, it is deemed Non-Confidential. Gaadi Auction is at liberty to use any such feedback or User Content and You represent that: (i) Your feedback does not contain confidential or proprietary information of You or of third parties; (ii) Gaadi Auction is not under any obligation of confidentiality, express or implied, with respect to the feedback; (iii) Gaadi Auction may have something similar to the feedback already under consideration or in development; and (iv) You are not entitled to any compensation or reimbursement of any kind from Gaadi Auction for the feedback under any circumstances.

20: Arbitration:

You and Gaadi Auction each agree that any and all disputes or claims that have arisen, or may arise, between You and Gaadi Auction relating in any way to, or arising out of this or previous versions of the Agreement, or any other documents incorporated herein by way of reference or your use of or access to Gaadi Auction's Services, or any products or Services sold, offered, or purchased through Gaadi Auction's Services shall be referred to the sole arbitrator who shall be an independent and neutral third party and shall be appointed by Gaadi Auction.

The place of arbitration shall be Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. The arbitration proceedings shall be in the English Language and shall be governed by Arbitration & Conciliation Act, 1996 (as amended from time to time).

A party who intends to seek arbitration must first send to the other, by certified mail, a completed form Notice of Dispute ("Notice"). The Notice to Gaadi Auction must be sent to the address identified under clause 22 (Miscellaneous).

21: Governing Law and Jurisdiction:

This Agreement or the documents incorporated herein by reference shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of India. Subject to Clause 20 (Arbitration) above, all disputes arising under this Agreement between You and Gaadi Auction shall be subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of courts at Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.

22. Miscellaneous:

Notice: Except as explicitly stated otherwise, any notices shall be given by postal mail/email On behalf of Gaadi Auction to:

Bharat Auto Trading

Attn: Legal Function

Address: Plot no.3, Vikash Nagar, Kalwar Road, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

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